Terrestrial planets
This online resource explores the terrestrial, or inner, planets - the planets closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
This online resource explores the terrestrial, or inner, planets - the planets closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Other objects in the solar system are discussed in this online textbook viz. asteroids, meteorites, comets and dwarf planets.
This online resource investigates the internal structure, outer layers and surface features of the sun.
This online resource introduces the geocentric and heliocentric models. Exoplants, planets and their motions, planetary orbits, the role of gravity and how the solar system was formed are also covered.
Introduction to magnetism: Wikipedia article that provides an overview of the concept.
Most of us use electricity every day in many different ways so it is important that we understand the dangers, or hazards, associated with electricity and we know how to use it safely.
When a circuit is connected and complete, charge can move through the circuit. Charge will not move unless there is a reason, a force to drive it around the circuit. Think of it as though charge is at rest and some- thing has to push it along. This means that work needs to be done to make charge move. A force acts on the charges, doing work, to make them move. The force is provided by the battery in the circuit.
In this unit we will learn how these factors can affect the output of a simple machine. We will also learn about the difference between ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) and actual mechanical advantage (AMA), and how to apply your knowledge to calculate the efficiency of various simple machines.
In this unit you will learn about different materials by investigating and observing the behaviour of their properties. This will include learning about the differences between metals and non-metals; whether they are isolators or conductors of electricity and heat, whether they are magnetic, how dense they are and whether they are acidic or basic.
In this unit you will learn what a force is and find out about different types of forces. This will allow you to identify forces at work in your everyday life and understand the effects of forces.