
    • Remember to apply a search protocol that provides a series of steps, or a process, to ensure your searches are effective: 

      1. Have a clear idea of what you are looking for.
      2. Know your CC licenses and what they permit:

      1. Use Google Advanced Search Usage Rights to identify potential open content aligned to a subject or topic.
      2. Use Creative Commons Search to identify specific media types.
      3. Use the filters on popular platforms, like YouTube and Flickr, to identify open content.
      4. Those resources with a license that omits ND can be revised and/or remixed.

    • Attribution

      The following OER were adapted extensively in the creation of this unit of study

      1. Depart. Higher Education - RSA. (2019). Open Learning Approaches in South African TVET and CET Colleges. Available online at (CC BY)
      2. OER Africa. (2020). Find Open Content. Available online at (CC BY-SA).
      3. OER Africa. (2020). Adapt Open Content. Available online at (CC BY-SA).

    • Creative Commons License

      ICT Essentials for Teachers by UNESCO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

      All content not licensed under a Creative Commons licence is all rights reserved, and you must request permission from the copyright owner to use this material.