
    • With increasing access to television, the internet and movies, learners are becoming increasingly more visual. As teachers, instead of trying to continue using only the traditional 'chalk and talk' methods, there is a need to meet our learners' need for visual stimulation but NEVER at the expense of good sound teaching.

      Using a presentation tool (like MS PowerPoint or Google Slides) can enhance your lessons by providing visual stimulation to assist in the communication of the teaching content. Some of these can include the use of pictures, audio clips and videos thereby creating a visually stimulating lesson as opposed to the more traditional blackboard.

    • By the end of this study unit, participants should be able to:

      • Create a new PowerPoint presentation file
      • Save a PowerPoint presentation file
      • Understand the text basics
      • Apply themes to your slides
      • Manage the transitions of your slide
      • Insert and format pictures
      • Insert videos and audio
      • Print and present your slide show.