
    • Many of us have had the opportunity to work on a PC (desktop computer). Some classroom computer labs have PC's for the students to work on. Below is a diagram (Wikipedia) which illustrates the various components of a PC. Run through the list and ensure that you know what each of the PC components look like and what they are called.

      Number Component
      1 Scanner
      2 CPU (microprocessor)
      3 RAM (memory)
      4 Expansion cards
      5 Power supply unit
      6 Optical disk drive
      7 Hard drive
      8 Motherboard
      9 Speaker
      10 Monitor
      11 System software
      12 Application software
      13 Keyboard
      14 Mouse
      15 External hard drive
      16 Printer

    • To consolidate the above diagram, review the short video and the Wikipedia article, then attempt the short quiz below!

    • It's always exciting when you get something new e.g. a new computer - but sometimes it is a little overwhelming to get started! Where do you start in setting up your computer? This video highlights the first basic steps which you should take in getting your computer up and running for the very first time! Consolidate your understanding by reading the step by step notes accompanying the video.