Congratulations on completing this study unit! You should now have a clear understanding on the differences between the internet, a browser and a search engine. No matter which search engine you have selected to use, you should feel more comfortable with incorporating more advanced search techniques when looking for particular resource materials. This in turn will most definitely save you time in not having to sift through millions of search results. Practice these skills - they will be invaluable to you.
The following OER were adapted to create this unit of study:
MGLSG. (2017). Find media to enhance a lesson. (CC BY-SA). Available online here
MGSLG. (2017). Find subject resources. (CC BY-SA). Available online here
The following resources were consulted in this study unit. Fully copyright but free to use:
All content not licensed under a Creative Commons licence is all rights reserved, and you must request permission from the copyright owner to use this material.