
    • There are many online evaluation criteria for both open and general resources. We have included some of these below (including videos), but to summarise, some of the main areas to look for when evaluating online digital resources include the following:

      • How current is the resource?
      • How relevant is the resource?
      • Is the resource created by someone who is an authority on the topic?
      • How accurate is the resource?
      • Is it a quality resource in terms of production?
      • Is the resource easily accessible?
      • Is the resource interactive or does it encourage activities?
      • How is the resource licensed? Is it OER? Creative commons? Full copyright?

      Now that is a lot to think about, so let's take a step back and review some of the videos first!

    • Now that you've had a view of the videos, which both discuss different, yet similar, methods of evaluation, read the one page article below which proposes another selection of evaluation criteria for online resources.