A 'MOOC' is an acronym for 'massive open online course'. These online courses cater for an unlimited number of participants and have open access via the web. We'll cover three popular MOOC platforms which provide online courses for educators. Take a look!
Coursera is an American MOOC provider which has been in the education business since 2012. Visit their site here and here to explore just some of the available teacher education courses. Enter your own search criteria and see what you come up with!
edX is also an American MOOC provider, created in 2012 by Harvard and MIT. Some of their teacher education can be found here
Another American MOOC founded in 2010. Udemy has over 35 million students taught by 57 000 lecturers! Take a look at some of their available teacher development courses here
The European Schoolnet Academy offers free online professional development courses to enhance your teaching. A catalogue of their online courses is available here
Having reviewed some of the GEC resources and MOOC online courses that are available for your professional development, share your thoughts (and maybe even experiences) with your peers using the forum discussion tool below. Have you used any of these online resources before? Which resources / courses will you take advantage of in the future?