
    • Before we embark on this CPD journey we would like to introduce you to the GEC: Global education coalition!

      The GEC is a group of partners who have committed to support and provide training to educators. You may have already noticed that Google and Microsoft have featured prominently as GEC partners throughout the initial sections of the course and the volume of training materials that they are providing for teachers is phenomenal! 

      We will also be exploring what resources other GEC partners are providing. Some of these other partners include:

      • Commonwealth of Learning
      • Khan Academy
      • ProFuturo
      • TedEd.

      We encourage you to explore the plethora of resources and training courses which they have provided by visiting their websites below:

    • The Google for Education Teaching Centre provides training courses, product guides, certifications, professional development resources as well as lesson plan ideas. Available online here

      The Microsoft Educator Center will, amongst other objectives, assist the teacher in how to 'use ICT to become an effective educator'. Explore the options available by visiting their website hereSome of their available courses can be accessed here and teacher training packs here.