
    • Having reviewed some eLearning tools in the previous sections, let's start looking at some mLearning tools. Before we start, do you clearly understand the differences between e & mLearning? Peruse the article below which explores this area. 

    • The use of mLearning or simply put, the introduction of cell phones, smartphones and/or tablets in the classroom, is a highly debated topic:

      • Will we just be encouraging the learners to use their phones even more than they already are?
      • Will it be a 'destructive' or 'instructive' move to introduce cell and smartphones into the classroom?
      • What about those learners who aren't able to afford a mobile digital device?

      1. Review the resources below.

      1. Now participate in the forum discussion below. Make sure you post at least once and reply to at least two of your peers' contributions.

    • Below are a few pros and cons of introducing mobile devices into the classroom. Can you think of more?


    • Hopefully whilst reviewing this chapter, you've started thinking about how YOU would incorporate mobile devices into your lessons? If not, here are just a few ideas which will help set you along the way!

      • If you're explaining a very difficult concept to the learners, encourage them to voice record your explanation
      • If there is a diagram that is of particular interest, ask the learners to take a photograph for their future reference
      • Make assignments more interactive by asking learners to incorporate a film clip
      • Encourage the learners to conduct online research
      • etc...

      However, very importantly, ensure that the learners understand the rules of bringing a mobile device into your classroom. These rules should be the result of a joint collaboration between the learners and the educators. 

    • Have a look at the video below: it provides some practical tips to teachers on how to manage cellphones in the classroom.