
    • Keep in mind that besides providing you with teaching tools ICT can also be harnessed to provide students with tools to help them learn. Students can use ICT to show they have understood the lesson and demonstrate their competencies. But how do you do this?

    • Review the resources below, one that focuses on a developing country, in this instance The Gambia, and the other that focuses on innovative learning in a developed country context, the USA. However, notice that there is a potential positive role for ICT to influence learning in both resource-scarce and resource-rich learning contexts.

    • Naturally the above examples were implemented at national level but can you think of ICT tools that you can use in your classroom to demonstrate that the learners have understood the information presented? Post your insights into the forum below.

    • Other ways students can use ICT tools to support learning include:

      • In the subject of Geography, learners look for land-use patterns using satellite images available in Google Earth
      • Creating a Fibonacci sequence using spreadsheet formulas and graphs to demonstrate mathematical patterns
      • Correcting spelling, grammar and selecting synonyms using a word processor editing tools
      • Using a drawing package (e.g. CAD) to draw 3D diagrams.