
    • How can you use ICT to support your teaching and which devices are recommended? 

      Devices that can be used to incorporate ICT into your classroom are not limited to just the desktop computer or laptop - the following devices are also suitable:

      • Smartphones
      • iPad or tablets
      • Smartboards

      There are a multitude of software applications that can be used to enhance your teaching - here are just a few examples:

      • Use Google Earth (a free resource) to assist in your Geography teaching. Available online here

      • Use a presentation package to display your lesson information to the learners. Your presentation can contain videos and pictures so learners will find it more stimulating than just looking at a blackboard! Using a presentation package in your classroom is covered in ICT Essentials for Teachers unit 9.


      • Use a spreadsheet to demonstrate mathematics or accounting problems. Using a spreadsheet in your classroom is covered in ICT Essentials for Teachers unit 14.


      • Use the internet to demonstrate to learners how they are able to search for resources. This is covered in ICT Essentials for Teachers unit 10.


      • Use a word processor to handout lesson notes. This is covered in ICT Essentials for Teachers unit 8.


      Can you think of computer games which can assist in the teaching process? One which comes to mind is SimCity available online here. Review the video below where further ideas are suggested.

    • The combination of digital tools and software/apps is limited only by your imagination. Keep in mind, however, that they must be used in service to the curriculum objectives. Don't get caught in the trap of using technology for technology's sake. They must support, enhance or add value to your teaching and student learning.