Numbers can be rounded off, or approximated, to help make calculations simpler. If we need to check calculator workings, or if we do not have a calculator at hand, we can make the calculations simpler by rounding off. We can round up or down to the closest numbers that make mental calculations easier.
Rounding off to the nearest thousand
If the last three digits of a number are less than 499 round down to the nearest whole number thousand. For example, 6345 rounded to the nearest thousand is 6000.
Numbers that have the last three digits of 500 or more should be rounded up to the next thousand. For example, 8629 rounded to the nearest thousand is 9000.
Rounding off using significant figures
We generally round off to a certain number of significant figures.
There are a few rules to be aware of when rounding off using significant figures, these are discussed in the following video.
After watching the video try ALL THREE of the activities below to test your understanding of rounding off.