
  • When you buy and sell items there are costs or expenses involved. 


    I sell baskets on marketplace for \($8\) each. If I sell 1 basket will I make a profit on it? To answer this question we must consider how much it costs me to buy the basket. This is called the cost price of a sale. If the cost price of the basket is \($5\) then I will make \($8-$5=$3\). So, I will make a profit on the basket since the selling price is greater than the cost price. 

    I can also calculate the percentage profit made on the sale of 1 basket as follows: \(\frac{3}{5}\times 100=60%\)

    Profit: If the money received is more than the expenses or the initial costs, then you make a profit. 

    \(Profit = Selling  price - cost  price\)

    Loss: If the money received is less than the expenses or initial costs, then you make a loss.

    \(Loss = Cost  price - selling  price\)

    No matter which currency is used the method for calculating profit or loss is the same.

    This video will go over a few more examples of profit and loss. Try the activity that follows the video to make sure you understand the concepts of profit and loss.

    Try the activity Profit and loss word problems to test your understanding. [Edit: I suggest putting this activity in a separate box with a link]