Consider the following two scenarios:
Scenario one
If you hammer a nail into a piece of wood with the sharp point against the wood, the nail should go into the wood quite easily. However, if you flip the nail so that the head of the nail is against the wood, and then use the same amount of force and try to hammer the nail into the wood, you will not be very successful.

Scenario two
If you try and push two pieces of wood, using the same amount of force, into a softer object, you will observe that the piece of wood with the smaller surface area will penetrate the object easier than the wood with the larger surface area.

So what can we conclude from these two scenarios?
When force is applied to an object, the results are affected by the size of the surface area on which the force is applied. This is the concept of pressure. An object will experience pressure when force is applied to it. There is a direct relationship between force and the surface area on which it is applied, the smaller the surface area, the larger the amount of pressure exerted.
\( Pressure = Force \div Area \)
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