We often simplify an algebraic expression to make it easier to work with or calculate or to use in some other way. The following words are used to describe specific expressions that you will come across often and you need to learn the definition of. Click on each word to learn more.
PolynomialRemember that: Mono=one, bi=two, tri=three and poly=many.
Multiplying a monomial by a binomial
We use the properties of real numbers to multiply algebraic expressions. The following video explains how to multiply a single term into a bracket. Make sure you understand how to simplify exponents before continuing with the next video.
Multiplying a binomial with a binomial
Remember that a binomial consists of two terms. The steps for multiplying a binomial by another binomial are explained in detail in the next video. Make sure to pause when requested and try the example for yourself.
Exercise: Find the products
Practise the methods you have just learnt for finding products by trying this next exercise: Multiply binomials.
In algebra replacing letters with numbers is called substitution. For example, if you replace \(a\) with \(4\) in the expression \(a+3\) the you will get \(4+3=7\). If you need more practise with this concept then watch the next video.