Displaying 11 - 13 of 13 Resources

Developing as teachers – mini-event

Join us on 23 January 2025 for three practical sessions focusing on collaborative, fun and effective ideas for your professional development. You can watch the event live on Facebook or register to join us on Zoom.

You can also watch the event live on our Facebook page. No registration is necessary to watch on Facebook.

About this event

This event will provide tools, ideas and inspiration to help you take charge of your professional development. The webinars will explore how to go beyond formal training and create collaborative networks with other teachers. You will also learn how to carry out your own action research and explore fun, game-based learning techniques to take your teaching skills to the next level.

About the sessions

Session 1: How can CPD be collaborative?
Time and date:

14.00–15.00 (UK time) 23 January 2025

Session information:

We'll start by looking at the vast range of professional development opportunities available to teachers nowadays. Then we will consider how colleagues and networks can help us solve our current challenges and grow as teachers. Finally, we will explore  the value of action research in improving your teaching practice and the learning experience of your students. Join us to discuss and plan your CPD. 

Session 2: Can you gamify professional growth?
Time and date:

15.15–16.15 (UK time) 23 January 2025

Session information:

Join this session to explore engaging tasks that not only refine your teaching skills but also add an element of fun to the process. We'll look at game-based learning techniques and hands-on activities designed to enhance focus and address specific teaching skills. Let's make our professional development journey enjoyable! 

Session 3: Panel discussion: How can we develop as teachers?
Time and date:

16.30–17.30 (UK time) 23 January 2025

Session information:

Two teachers from around the world show you different ways that they connect with other teachers, take part in action research and take charge of their professional development. 

Subject and Topic
Form 1
English Language
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Stating directions
Resource Type
Publication Date

Search for Open Educational Resources (OER)

According to Creative Commons there are over 1.6 billion openly licensed teaching and learning resources available on the internet. Open Educational Resources (OER) are quality, free educational resources, that you can use without having to ask for permission, and that can be adapted to better suit local contexts and needs.

Many educators and developers don't know how to efficiently search for and identity useful resources. Some throw up their hands in horror and give up when tasked with finding suitable resources on the Internet. In this tutorial, we are committed to providing you with a search strategy for open content to ensure that you quickly find open resources. Let us begin!

On completion of this unit of study you will be able to:

  • Decipher open licenses i.e. identify rights and permissions contained within Creative Commons licences attached to open content.
  • Search for open content using common tools and filters such as on Google Advanced Search and the YouTube Creative Commons filter, as well as specialized services such as Creative Commons Search to find open media.
Subject and Topic
Form 1
English Language
Giving directions
Stating directions
Resource Type
Publication Date
ICT Essentials for Teachers by UNESCO

Zoeken naar open leermaterialen

Volgens Creative Commons zijn er meer dan 1,6 miljard open gelicentieerde onderwijs- en leermaterialen beschikbaar op het internet. Open Educational Resources (OER) zijn gratis onderwijsmaterialen van hoge kwaliteit die je kunt gebruiken zonder toestemming te hoeven vragen, en die kunnen worden aangepast om beter aan te sluiten bij lokale contexten en behoeften. 

Veel leerkrachten en ontwikkelaars weten niet hoe ze efficiënt bruikbare bronnen kunnen zoeken en identificeren. Sommigen gooien vol afschuw hun handen omhoog en geven het op wanneer ze geschikte bronnen op het internet moeten vinden. In deze handleiding willen we je een zoekstrategie geven voor open inhoud, zodat je snel open bronnen kunt vinden. Laten we beginnen!

Na afronding van deze studie-eenheid bent u in staat om

  • Open licenties te ontcijferen, d.w.z. de rechten en toestemmingen te identificeren die zijn opgenomen in Creative Commons-licenties die aan open content zijn verbonden.
  • Zoeken naar open materiaal met behulp van veelgebruikte tools en filters zoals Google Advanced Search en het Creative Commons-filter van YouTube, maar ook met gespecialiseerde diensten zoals Creative Commons Search om open media te vinden.
Subject and Topic
Form 1
English Language
Giving directions
Stating directions
Resource Type
Publication Date
ICT Essentials for Teachers by UNESCO